Nick Perkins

Platform Engineer. Volunteer Motorsport Official. ADHD Brain. Bit of a nerd.

Managing a Motorsport Club - My Initial Thoughts

Last year, I decided to run for a position on the management committee of the motorsport club I’m a member of. It has been eye-opening to see what goes on to run a club with around 100 members. Here’s a few things I’ve learned over the last 9 months. It’s a thankless task You’re damned if you do, and you’re damned if you don’t. You won’t keep everyone happy, and you just have to try and do the best job you can do. Continue reading

Motorsport Officiating

A part of my life that I haven’t written about before is my volunteer motorsport officiating. I’ve loved motorsport for as long as I can remember. Some of my earliest memories are watching the Bathurst 1000 or the Formula 1 Australian Grand Prix from Adelaide on television. My parents were not motorsport nuts, but I did go to the Gold Coast Indy 300 in the early 1990s. We would often drive past Surfers Paradise International Raceway and the little Go-Kart track there, but we were always going somewhere else. Continue reading